14 NGOs & social enterprises

111 people are already donating their change every day

1,838.82€ collected so far

They trust BALANZEA

Why should you choose Balanzea?

Micro-donations are very powerful.

Donate to the NGO or social enterprise of your choice securely and with no ongoing fee. Your donations will be made automatically and securely, every time you pay with your bank card.

Entities and SDGs

It helps entities recognized for their work in Spain and the world, and contributes to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Agenda 2030.

Fundación Lázaro

Acción Contra el Hambre

Amigos de Monkole

Agua de Coco



Light Humanity


Ayúdame 3D


Light Humanity

Ayúdame 3D

Apadrina un olivo




Acción Contra el Hambre